There’s No Such Thing as a Jameson Drinker.
In a whiskey world that tells people how to dress and behave – even what level of success you need to reach just to be worthy of glass – we believe it is time to make room for the times, people and places with which you can have a glass of Jameson.
Dedela Abanye
We know that a taste as good as the one we’ve been bottling since 1780 should be for everyone, everywhere. We’re celebrating the way South Africa has always enjoyed Jameson: From rolled up shirts to sneakers, Saturday afternoons in to nights out, collaborations over dollops of ice and chitchats with a twist of lime. We believe that by not expecting one kind of Jameson drinker, we make room for the pleasant surprises that can only come with bonding, connecting and learning new things about all Jameson drinkers. So, grab a bottle and a bucket of ice right where you are. Because there’s no such thing as a Jameson drinker. Why? Taste, That’s Why.